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Barkston & Syston

CofE Primary School

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Values in action

KINDNESS, LOVE and RESPONSIBILITY - Donating to Grantham Foodbank

Our school values of the term are Love and Kindness. Our Modern British Value of the term is Mutual Respect.


In our Collective Worship time, we have been thinking about forgiveness and situations where we might need to show forgiveness. We have been looking at times in the Bible when God taught Christians to forgive, including the story of Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25 - 33)

RESPONSIBILITY - We invited our local MP into school to talk about issues that matter to us.

DETERMINATION - We had a mobile swimming pool come to our school! We all got to swim (Reception - Year 6) and used our value of determination when things became challenging.

DETERMINATION and RESPONSIBILITY - We love our cooking sessions with Darren from Roots to Food. We even put on a 3 course dinner for our families!

KINDNESS - Mollie and her mum kindly donated some balls to our school for use during PE and playtimes.

FORGIVENESS - Sometimes things can - and do - go wrong. Children in Year 1 recognised this and took action to make it better.

KINDNESS and LOVE - We demonstrated these values when we held a collection for Grantham Food bank. We know how important the food bank is to the community and the children have decided to collect more regularly throughout the year.

KINDNESS - We demonstrated kindness by supporting Sarah Outen on her cycling challenge.

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