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Barkston & Syston

CofE Primary School

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Shine your Light

Church Clean up Crew

We are on a secret mission to Shine our Light in the community for the greater good. We carry our secret acts of kindness and we keep them this way because we do not want thanks for it, rather we want to give something back.

Playground Leaders

Inspire + have worked alongside some of our Upper KS2 children to train them in playground leadership. The children enjoy designing and facilitating games for other children in school.

DETERMINATION - Imogen showed great determination with her homework project!

Our school Christmas tree for the community fundraising event

Grantham Food bank certificate

Fleur, Seth, Jameson and Harriet noticed our PE shed was a little messy - they decided to spend their lunchtime organising and tidying it up.

Rowan bought and donated a book to our school library after being inspired by our diversity lessons. Thank you, Rowan!

Harriet and Jameson - food bank collection

Year 6 created their very own diversity display to raise awareness and spark discussion

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