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Barkston & Syston

CofE Primary School

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Pastoral offer


Mrs Brown is our ELSA trained Learning Mentor. Mrs Brown is able to support with a number of wellbeing and pastoral needs. She works closely with the Safeguarding Team to ensure the needs of all children in the school are met. She is also a member of our Early Help Team.

Small animal therapy

Betty and Nancy are loved by the whole school and enhance our wellbeing support



Deano's Pro Soccer Academy

Every Friday, including Before and After School Club, we have sports and mentoring sessions with Josh, Ollie and Deano.  The children enjoy and value the time they spend with them and it helps keep us all active, healthy, promotes team and group work and develops resilience and relationships.

Mr Lane and Polly

Once a week, Mr Lane and Polly come into school to read with the children. It is very therapeutic getting to stroke Polly at the same time!

Contact Details and Useful Links
