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Barkston & Syston

CofE Primary School

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Before and After School Care

Before School Club


Booking, Fees and Payment

  • Places are strictly limited to 20 per session.
  • Places at Before School Club must be booked twenty four hours in advance via Parentpay. Payment must be made when bookings are placed.
  • Each session at Before School Club costs £3.04, which includes a drink, cereal and/or toast, supervision, resources and a Parentpay transaction fee (1.53%)
  • Payments by Childcare Vouchers or Tax-Free Childcare Payments must be made two days in advance of booking in order for balances to be processed on to Parentpay accounts and therefore bookings to be secured.
  • Refunds to your Parentpay account will only be made if your child does not attend through illness. Any other non-attendance will not be refunded.
  • Please refer to our Charging and Remissions Policy for further details of payments and refunds.
  • Only registered pupils of Barkston and Syston School are eligible to attend the club.


Attending Before School Club

  • The entrance to Before School Club is through the front door of the old school house (immediately to the right when you come through the pedestrian gate). Please use the door knocker and a member of staff will come to greet you and your child.
  • Before School Club staff will be available to admit children between 8.00am and 8.10am – please be mindful that after this time the Club may have moved to another part of the school and there may not be staff available to admit your child.
  • Before school club operates from 8am – 8:45am each school day unless otherwise advertised in advance via Parenthub.
  • All drinks and snacks served will meet the School Food Standards
  • Children will be escorted to their classrooms at 8.40am by the club staff.
  • Failure to adhere to this policy may result in a warning and possible future suspension or exclusion from the Before School Club.



After School Club


Booking, Fees and Payment

  • Places are strictly limited to 20 per session.
  • Places at After School Club must be booked twenty four hours in advance via Parentpay. Payment must be made when bookings are placed.
  • Each session at After School Club costs £6.09, which includes a drink and a snack, supervision, resources and a Parentpay transaction fee (1.53%).
  • Payments by Childcare Vouchers or Tax-Free Childcare Payments must be made two days in advance of booking in order for balances to be processed on to Parentpay accounts and therefore bookings to be secured.
  • Refunds to your Parentpay account will only be made if your child does not attend through illness. Any other non-attendance will not be refunded.
  • Please refer to our Charging and Remissions Policy for further details of payments and refunds.
  • Only registered pupils of Barkston and Syston School are eligible to attend the club.



Attending After School Club

  • The entrance to After School Club is through the front door of the old school house (immediately to the right when you come through the pedestrian gate). Please use the door knocker and a member of staff will come to greet you.
  • All drinks and snacks served will meet the School Food Standards.
  • After School Club closes at 5pm. Children who are collected later than 5pm will be charged £10 for the first fifteen minutes, or part thereof, that their child is not collected and £5 per fifteen minutes, or part thereof, until collection (charges to cover overtime costs of Club staff) unless there are extenuating circumstances which are agreed with the Headteacher or Senior Administrator. Late charges will be added to your Parentpay account.
  • Failure to adhere to this policy may result in a warning and possible future suspension or exclusion from the After School Club.


Contact Details and Useful Links
