Contact Details
Barkston & Syston Church of England Primary School
- 01400 250553
Church Street, Barkston, Grantham, NG32 2NB
Barkston & Syston
CofE Primary School
Mr Keetch is our SENDCO (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities co-ordinator.)
If you wish to discuss anything with Mr Keetch, there are a number of ways to do so. Please email: or alternatively, our SENDCO can be contacted by calling the school office on 01400 250553
Our approach to SEND
We know that every child is special and unique and that each child has their own special talents. We have designed our curriculum to be highly ambitious for all and ensure that all children get the full curriculum entitlement. Where necessary, we make adaptations to support every child in accessing the curriculum. This includes, but is not limited to, additional support from another adult, specially selected equipment and resources, classroom aides, engagement with external agencies and pre-teaching of vocabulary or concepts. We have a flexible approach to our adult support and we place additional support where the need is. This means that adults are supporting children where required at specific points throughout the school day.
"Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities learn and achieve well alongside their peers. Teachers adapt the curriculum effectively to meet these pupils’ needs. Support staff work well with these pupils to help them overcome challenges and access their learning."
Ofsted - 28th February 2023
Please open the SEND Journey document below to see a diagram that explains the SEND journey when an area of need has been observed in a child.
Church Street, Barkston, Grantham, NG32 2NB