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Barkston & Syston

CofE Primary School

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Spiritual Development

Spiritual Development poster

At Barkston and Syston Church of England Primary School, we believe that a spiritually aware pupil will develop a wide range of skills, including the following:

  • The development of insights, principles, beliefs, attitudes and values which guide and motivate them
  • A developing understanding of feelings and emotions which support reflection and learning
  • Developing recognition that individuals own insights, principles, beliefs, attitudes and values influence them in their own lives.
  • Understanding beliefs, religious or otherwise, which inform their perspective on life & their interest in and respect for different people’s feelings and values
  • A sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them, including the intangible
  • Use of imagination and creativity in their learning
  • Willingness to reflect on, and learn from, their experiences

Planned opportunities for spiritual development in all subjects can be seen across the school.

Barkston and Syston Church of England Primary School develops spiritual development by:

  • Promoting curiosity and inquisitiveness
  • Designing a stimulating curriculum which provides opportunities to be curious and ignites wonder
  • Giving pupils opportunities to develop an understanding and awareness of connection and belonging
  • Developing a heightened self-awareness
  • Providing opportunities for prayer, reflection and stillness
  • Ensuring all children develop a sense of security, well-being, worth and purposefulness

We will develop a climate or ethos within which all pupils can grow and flourish, respect others and be respected, accommodating difference and respecting the integrity of individuals.

Spiritual experiences can occur during any part of the school day, for example when listening to music, discussing the care needed for animals, exercising empathy or creativity and thinking about how we live.


We make this relatable to all children by discussing Spiritual Development on three levels:


Window - wonder about the world around them and life in all its fullness

Mirror - A chance to reflect on experiences

Door - Opportunities to express and respond

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