Contact Details
Barkston & Syston Church of England Primary School
- 01400 250553
Church Street, Barkston, Grantham, NG32 2NB
Barkston & Syston
CofE Primary School
Please let the school know of your interest - come and see why we are so proud of our school for yourself! The visit will (wherever possible) be conducted by the Headteacher and on a 1:1 basis. We always enjoy meeting new families so please give us a ring and book a tour to see all we have to offer.
Parents must apply to Lincolnshire County Council for a place for their child to start school in the Reception cohort in September. The decision regarding an allocation of a place for the Reception cohort for your child will be notified to you in writing by Lincolnshire County Council.
If you would like to apply for a mid-year transfer to our school, please also contact Lincolnshire County Council to apply for a place.
If you would like to appeal a school place please read the School's current Admissions Policy, the school admissions appeals guide at and then complete the Admission Appeal Form below. Completed forms should be emailed to the Clerk to Governors on
Church Street, Barkston, Grantham, NG32 2NB