Contact Details
Barkston & Syston Church of England Primary School
- 01400 250553
Church Street, Barkston, Grantham, NG32 2NB
Barkston & Syston
CofE Primary School
Spoken Language - Oracy
Listening and talking is the key to early language development and as such must be encouraged and supported. Being an effective talker involves having knowledge, feelings, ideas or opinions and being able to communicate these in ways which will have a particular effect on an audience or help achieve a personal or group goal. It involves a complex array of skills: for example, mental agility, command of a wide range of vocabulary and grammatical structures; the ability to recognise and use language conventions; and sensitivity and responsiveness to others. We aim to offer all our pupils a talking and listening programme of high quality. To achieve this aim for talking and listening, all pupils will experience a range of activities.
Church Street, Barkston, Grantham, NG32 2NB