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Barkston & Syston

CofE Primary School

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Curriculum Overview

Our curriculum has been carefully crafted to develop essential and transferrable skills for all children at Barkston and Syston Church of England Primary School. Our curriculum is inspirational and aspirational and builds carefully on prior knowledge and learning; this allows our pupils to apply their knowledge and skills in a range of different contexts. When developing our curriculum, as well as meeting all statutory requirements from the National Curriculum, we carefully considered the different skills and knowledge that we believe are essential for our children to know in order to be prepared for the next stage in their education. We also asked the children what was important to them. Their responses included:


To feel safe and know how to keep myself safe

To be happy

Have fun!

Develop resilience


To be challenged

To learn to be independent

Develop creativity

Make memories

Everyone has a voice

Develop confidence


Curriculum Drivers


World Citizens

We want our children to appreciate and value their immediate location but to also understand and appreciate the wider county, country, continent and world. Through learning about the world, we want them to understand their role in society and develop respect towards the environment,  communities and religions.



We want our children to develop the resilience to be able to deal with different challenges across the curriculum and in the wider world. We want them to develop the ability to solve problems without giving up.  


Respectful Communicators

We want our children to develop the skills to work well with other people and to be able to use these skills throughout their lives. 


If you would like to find out more about our bespoke curriculum, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us via the 'Contact Us' tab or by using the school office email address.

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